Welcome to the ABC Chapter's Anheuser-Busch Bottle Listings Contained in these listings are all the known variations of Anheuser-Busch bottles to date. These lists will be constantly updated and edited as new bottles are released. Also included in the listings are test/prototype and export bottles, which could be considered a foreign release, but they're listed here. The lists are sorted by general brands (Bud, Bud Light, etc) and then alphabetically and chronologically. Combined lists (Holiday, Sports, etc) are sorted the same with Budweiser first and so on. Included in the listing will be Name, GAN Number, Size, Variation (redem, n/r or 3.2), Year released, any additional info and Crown used. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. If you know of a variation not listed, please help us out and use our submittal form. Updates/additions/changes: Jan 19, 2025: Added Bud Light Super Bowl LIX to football, Bud Light Los Angeles Kings to hockey and Bud Light import sticker variant to China. Oct 31, 2024: Added Bud Light Texas to commem, Bud Light Stars to hockey, new Budweiser variants to China/Vietnam, Budweiser Daytona to error, twelve Bud Light to NCAA, nine Bud Light/Budweiser to football and four Budweiser Buedmiser/two Budweiser FIFA 2022 to test. Jul 29, 2024: Added Budweiser Folds/Michelob Ultra Military City to commem, new Bud Light Platinum, new Michelob Golden Light, Michelob Ultra Olympics to other sports, Bud Light Bucs /Chiefs to football, Budweiser 310 variant to China and Budweiser sticker variant to Columbia. May 6, 2024: Added new variants to Budweiser/Bud Light/Bud Light Lime/Budweiser Select/ Busch Light, Budweiser Rangers to baseball, Bud Light Alabama/Kentucky/LSU to NCAA, Bud Light Chiefs to football, Bud Light Lightning to hockey, Bud Light St Pat to holidays/error, Bud Light 49ers to unintended, Budweiser New Year to Vietnam, Budweiser Halloween 19/ Monkey 16/six New Year 20/three New Year 21.two New Year 22/Mixx Tail variants to China and thirteen China Mixx Tails/China National Sales bottle/Budweiser test to test/promo/proto. Feb 13, 2024: Added new Bud Light/Budweiser/Michelob Ultra variants, three Budweiser Year of Dragon bottles to China, Budweiser to Vietnam and Budweiser Detroit Tigers to unintended. Dec 4, 2023: Added Budweiser sticker variants to Argentina/Australia/Israel, Budweiser WC14 Guatamala/WC18 El Salvator to FIFA, non-redem pry vaiant to Budweiser and four Bud Light Xinlan Art Festival bottles to China. Sep 20, 2023: Added two new labels to Bud Light, nine Bud Light to football, ten Bud Light to NCAA, Bud Light Blues to hockey, two Bud Light NCAA to error and Test Can to test. Jun 25, 2023: Added Budweiser/Bud Light Folds of Honor to commem, two new labels to Budweiser, Michelob Ultra MLS St Louis SC to other sports and Budweiser to Korea. Apr 8, 2023: Added Busch Light bottle, Budweiser Pocpoc to Vietnam, Mich Ultra variant to Germany, Mich Ultra SLC to test and Budweiser Brazil/China/eight Taiwan bottles to FIFA. Jan 22, 2023: Added Budweiser sticker variant to Bolivia, Bud Light/two Budweiser sticker variants to Brazil and six Brazil Budweisers/Ecuador Budweiser sticker variant to FIFA. Nov 16, 2022: Added four Bud Lights to hockey, Bud Light Kansas Championship to NCAA, Bud Light Texas to commem, Bud Light Super Bowl to football, Budweiser to UK, Budweiser Pulse/310ml/355ml variant to China, three Bud Lights to Germany, Budweiser/eighteen China Budweisers to FIFA and two Budweiser China Jingdong/Storm Music bottles to test. Sep 22, 2022: Added nine Bud Light Kickoff bottles to football, ten Bud Light bottles to NCAA, Bud bottle to Belgium, Budweiser Qatar World Cup 22 to FIFA and six bottles to error bottles. Aug 1, 2022: Added Bud Light Pride to commem, Bud Light Avalanche to Hockey, Bud Light Lightning to unintended, Budweiser Jingdong to China and Michelob Ultra to Honduras. Jun 3, 2022: Added new Bud Light variant, two Budweiser 330 twist to China, Bud Light Arcane to commem, Budweiser Malaysia World Cup 2010 to FIFA and Budweiser retro to test. Apr 17, 2022: Added Bud Light St Pats to holidays, new Bud Light Lime variant, Bud Light Rams Super Bowl to football, Bud Light Bengals Super Bowl to unintended, Busch Latte to Busch Light, two Michelob Ultra MLS bottles to other sports and three bottles to test. Feb 28, 2022: Added Bud Light Super Bowl to football, Bud Light Blues to hockey, new Bud Light variant, Bud Light Texas/Michelob Ultra To a Futures to commem, Bud Light/Michelob Ultra to Germany, Budweiser to Paraguay/Bolivia/UK, Bud Light SHIT to other sports, four Budweiser to China and six Budweiser/three Michelob Ultra/three Bacardi bottles to test. Dec 1, 2021: Added 2 Bud Light Lightning/Blackhawks/Stars to hockey, new variant to Bud Light, 3 Budweiser variants/Electric Sound/Halloween/2 Messi to China, new Budweiser to Taiwan and 6 Bud Light Platinum/9 Bud Light/Bud Light Lime/Landshark/Shock Top to test. Oct 18, 2021: Added 13 Bud Light NFL21 Kickoff/Bud Light NFL15 Super Bowl variant to football, 5 Bud Light bottles to NCAA, Bud Light Orange to specialty and BL Lime to Germany. Jul 11, 2021: Added new label to Bud Light Lime, Bud Light Iowa State Fair to commem, Budweiser Rockets to basketball, new label to Michelob Golden Light, Stella Artois to AB Brands, Budweiser AB Crest sticker bottle to China and Bud Light Lime to Germany. Apr 25, 2021: Added Budweiser Hawks/Pelicans/Spurs to basketball, pry variant to Budweiser, new label to Bud Light, Bud Light LSU to NCAA, Bud Light Throw Back to commem, Bud Light Buccaneers SB to football, Bud Light Chiefs SB to unintended, Budweiser to Israel/Brazil, five Budweiser New Year to China, Budweiser New Year to Vietnam and Boxal Trial to test. Jan 16, 2021: Added Bud Light LSU to NCAA, Bud Light Eagles/Falcons/Panthers/Pats/Texans /Super Bowl to football, Bud Light Stars/Blackhawks/Lightning to hockey, new Budweiser pry variant, new Bud Light pry variant, Budweiser variant/Halloween/Messi/three Ramos to China, Budweiser to Costa Rica/Germany/Korea, Budweiser LaLiga/Premier/three Ramos to South Africa and Bud Light Platinum/NFL Super Bowl/Busch Light/Baldwinsville to test. Nov 16, 2020: Added seven Bud Light to football, three Bud Light to NCAA, Budweiser Select, Michelob Golden, three Michelob Ultra, Busch Light Farmers/Hunter bottles, Hoegaarden/Four Peaks to AB Brands, Bud Light 49ers bottles to unintended, Argentina Budweiser Premier to soccer, Budweiser to Argentina/Israel, two Bud Light/two Budweiser Kissing/four Let's Right Now/Red and Roll variant/355 variant to China, Budweiser Ramos bottles to Argentina/Chile/ Paraguay/Ecuador/UK and Budweiser/Bud Light texture/test/proto bottles, two Bud Light Seltzers, Bud Light Chiefs error bottle to test/proto. Sep 29, 2020: Added Retro bottles to Budweiser, Bud Light St Pats to holidays, Black Lager to specialty, Bud Light Chiefs to football, Budweiser Selfie to commem, Budweiser to Israel, seven Budweiser New Year to Vietnam, Budweiser Moschino/six Red and Roll to China and Budweiser 12oz/Silver/Bud on Mars/Red Lager Moon, Michelob Ultra to test. Jan 13, 2020: Added Bud Light Blues Champ Edition/Michelob Golden Light Wild to hockey, older Budweiser variants to Brazil/Peru, Budweiser Chile/China Premier League/Chile LaLiga Santander to soccer and Budweiser Halloween 2019 to China. Nov 8, 2019: Added nine Bud Light NFL to football, Bud Light MCC to commem, Bud Light LSU to NCAA, Bud Light Blackhawks to hockey, new Bud Light Platinum, Budweiser Ramos/ Weddings to China, Budweiser China/Vietnam Premier to soccer and Budweiser to Ecuador. Sep 18, 2019: Added six Bud Lights to football, Budweiser Red Lager Moon to commem, Bud Light Blues to hockey, Budweisers to Chile/Peru, Budweiser Kissing bottles to China, Budweiser Premier China to soccer and Bud Light Royal Carib/Budweiser Select/Budweiser Black to test. Jul 14, 2019: Added seven Budweiser National Parks to commem, Bud Light GLAAD/Texas bottles to commem, Budweiser NBA11 Heat to unintended, Budweiser Christmas to Taiwan, Budweiser variant to Columbia and Budweiser to Uruguay. May 11, 2019: Added variants to Budweiser/Bud Light/BL Lime/BL Platinum/Bud Select/ Mich Golden/Mich Ultra, Budweiser/Bud Light St Pats to holiday, Budweiser Robinson/42 bottle to baseball, Bud Light Rams Super Bowl bottle to unintended, six Budweiser National Park bottles to commem and Budweiser Thank You test bottle to China. Mar 11, 2019: Added Bud Light Patriots Super Bowl to football, Bud Light Orange to specialty, Budweiser/Bud Light St Pats to holidays, new Budweiser/Bud Light/Mich Ultra variants, Bud to Russia, Budweiser variant to Paraguay and Budweiser variant to Korea. Jan 19, 2019: Added new Budweiser/Bud Light/Mich Ultra variants, Bud Light Cards/Super Bowl to football, Budweiser twists to Korea/Argentina/China, Budweiser New Year to Vietnam, Budweiser Brewmaster/EDM/Halloween/New Year to China and Mich Golden Wild to hockey. Oct 11, 2018: Added Budweiser AB Crest variants, Michelob Ultra variants, Bud Light LSU to NCAA, twelve Bud Light Kickoff bottles to football, Budweiser Brazil World Cup 18/Chile World Cup 14 to soccer, Budweiser to Chile and Budweiser to Australia. Aug 22, 2018: Added three Bud Light NFL bottles to football, Budweiser Made for Music to Brazil, Bud Russia FIFA 2018/Brazil, China FIFA 2014 to soccer and two Michelob Ultras. Jul 6, 2018: Added three new Budweiser variants, new Bud Light variant, new Bud Light Platinum variant to specialty, new Budweiser Select variant, new Michelob Golden variant, two new Michelob Ultra bottles, Budweiser/Bud Light prototypes to test, Bud Light Philly to football, Budweiser AB Crest variant to China, Budweiser import to Ecuador and seventeen Budweiser FIFA World Cup bottles to soccer. May 15, 2018: Added Bud Light pry top variant to Bud Light, new Budweiser bottle to Budweiser, new Bud Light Lime and Budweiser China World Cup 2018 to soccer. Apr 2, 2018: Added Budweiser/Bud Light St Pats to holidays, new Bud Light redem variant, Budweiser 1876/Bud Light SXSW to commem, Michelob Ultra 3.2/logo variants, Budweiser red/gold variant to China, Budweiser twists to Peru/Mexico and Budweiser to Cambodia. Feb 6, 2018: Added Budweiser 1876 bottles to commem, Bud Light Platinum to Canada, two Beck's bottles, Budweiser twists to China/Spain, Budweiser Year of Dog to China/Viet Nam, Budweiser import to Viet Nam and Budweiser Christmas import to Taiwan. Dec 20, 2017: Added thirteen Bud Light NFL bottles to football, Bud Light Texas/Budweiser A&Eagle variant to commem, 12oz bottle to Bud Light, Budweiser to Ecuador, Budweiser to Brazil, Michelob Golden Light Minnesota Wild to hockey and Budweiser Eason/Brewmaster Reserve/Halloween/Global Shopping/355ml variant to China. Nov 1, 2017: Added eleven Bud Light NFL17 bottles to football, Budweiser Halloween to holidays, Budweiser A&Eagle to commem, Bud Light Platinum variant, Michelob Ultra variant, Budweiser A-B Crest variant to China, Bud Light to Paraguay, and Budweiser to South Africa. Aug 21, 2017: Added Budweiser State series to commem, Bud Light NFL17 Browns, Falcons, Steelers, Titans to football, Bud Light Chicago Summer bottles to commem, Bud Light to Brazil, Mich Ultra to Spain and Budweiser Storm Music bottles to China. Jun 16, 2017: Added Budweiser America/Camo/Bud Light Firefly/Stars variant to commem, Michelob Ultra PGA to other sports, two Michelob Ultra variants, Budweiser Red Sox to baseball, Budweiser 473ml A-B Crest/Sheep/355ml variants to China, Budweiser test to Brazil, Budweiser World Cup Korea variant to soccer and Budweiser to Vietnam. Apr 29, 2017: Added Budweiser/Bud light St Pats to holidays, new Bud Light Lime, new Bud Light Platinum to specialty, Bud Light NCAA to basketball, Bud Light SXSW to commemorative, Budweiser Cubs/Cardinals to baseball, new Budweiser Select Brewed for the Lou, Budweiser Sleep No More to China and Michelob Golden Light variant. Mar 20, 2017: Added Bud Light Super Bowl LI variants to football, Budweiser Cubs World Series to baseball, Michelob Golden Light and Budweiser A-B Crest bottle to Taiwan. Feb 15, 2017: Added Budweiser AB Crest 3.2 variant, Bud Light Super Bowl XLVII 3.2 variant to football, Budweiser Clydesdales Freeport to commem and Budweiser Rooster/Thank You/two Red Bottle/Gold Bowtie 355ml variants to China. Jan 18, 2017: Added Bud Light Super Bowl LI to football, Bud Light Blues to hockey, Bud FIFA to test/promo, Bud Tomorrowland to Ukraine and Budweiser America to commem. Nov 22, 2016: Added Budweiser A-B Crest variants and Budweiser XMAS bottles to holidays. Oct 31, 2016: Added new Budweiser A-B Crest to Budweiser, Budweiser Tomorrowland to Chile, Budweiser A-B Crest/Halloween/Storm Music, Mixx Tail Krismopolitan to China and Budweiser Olympic 2012 error to test/proto. Aug 23, 2016: Added Budweiser Select Brewed for The Lou, two Michelob Ultra twists, four Budweiser Torch to commens, Budweiser St Pats variant to holidays, Budweiser Year of the Monkey/Tomorrowland/Mixx Tails to China and Michelob Ultra to Spain. Jun 10, 2016: Added Budweiser Torch/Bud Light Stars to commems, Bud Light A/B Crest 3.2 variant, Bud Light UFC to other sports, new Budweiser Select and Budweiser to Chile. Apr 29, 2016: Added Budweiser Retro variant, Budweiser MLB16 to baseball, new Michelob Ultra bottle, three A-B Crest bottles to Bud Light, Bud Light SXSW to commem, Bud Light NCAA to basketball, Budweiser A-B Crest to China and Budweiser Bowtie silver to test/proto. Mar 16, 2016: Added Bud Light Broncos to football, Bud Light Cards/Panthers/Patriots to unintended, Bud Light/Budweiser St Pats to holidays, Budweiser 16oz Year of Monkey to China, Budweiser A-B Crest to Canada/Vietnam, Budweiser A-B Crest variants to budweiser and four Budweiser export sticker variations to Argentina/Brazil/Paraguay. Jan 22, 2016: Added four Bud Light SB50 bottles to football, Budweiser Royals to baseball, two Budweiser Year of Monkey to China, one Red Retro/three A-B Crest to Budweiser and Budweiser export bottles to Paraguay/new catagory Columbia. Nov 10, 2015: Added Bud Light Sensation Innerspace to Canada, Bud Light Super Bowl XLIX 3.2 variant to football and Bud Light 'Cool Twist' pry top to Bud Light. Sep 23, 2015: Added Budweiser FIFA World Cup Germany/Japan/Malaysia to soccer, Budweiser Red Retro twist variant, Michelob Ultra variant and Michelob Ultra to Mexico Aug 21, 2015: Added Budweiser Storm Music Festival to China. Jun 26, 2015: Added Bud Light Sensation to Canada, Budweiser Red Retro variant, four Budweiser Statue of Liberty bottles to commem, Budweiser to new catagory Peru, Budweiser Toronto FC to soccer and Budweiser Red Retro silver to test/proto. Jun 1, 2015: Added Mixx Tail 6% variants to specialty, Budweiser Statue of Liberty variant to commem, Budweiser Red Retro variant and Budweiser Clicker bottle to test/proto. May 3, 2015: Added Budweiser Retro pry top to Budweiser, Budweiser Staue of Liberty to commems, Bud Light/Bud Light Lime to Germany and Budweiser to Costa Rica. Feb 24, 2015: Added Cool Twist variant to Bud Light and three Mixx Tails to specialty. Jan 29, 2015: Added Bud Light Sensations to Mexico, Bud Light Platinum Sensation to Canada and Budweiser Brewing Celebration, Year of the Sheep bottles to China. Jan 10, 2015: Added NY Yankees WS Champs, MLB 2012 Fall Classic to unintended. Dec 10, 2014: Added Retro variant to Budweiser, Cool Twist variant to Bud Light, Budweiser FIFA Canada to soccer and Michelob prototype to test/proto. Nov 16, 2014: Added Bud Light LA Kings to hockey, Bud Light Spurs to basketball, Bud Light Super Bowl bottle to football and two Budweiser export bottles to Ecuador. Sep 3, 2014: Added two Budweiser twist tops, Bud/Bud Light St Pats variants, Bud Light Seahawks to football, Bud Light Broncos to unintended, Budweiser Twins All-Star to baseball, Bud Light, two Bud Light Platinums to Canada and five Budweiser World Cups to soccer. Aug 13, 2014: Added 14 World Cup bottles to soccer, Schnucks bottle to commems, BL Platinum variant, new Budweiser Select and Bud Fall Classic to unintended. May 8, 2014: Added Budweiser, Bud Light St Pats to holidays, Bud Light Super Bowl variant to football and Budweiser China FIFA World Cup to exports. Feb 27, 2014: Added Bud Light Super Bowl, Seahawks, Ravens variant to football, Budweiser China Year of Horse and Bud Light Mexico S&R to exports. Jan 5, 2014: Added BL Plat variant, BL Twist Top variant and Bud Guatamala to exports. Dec 14, 2013: Added Shock Top to specialty, Bud Red Sox to baseball, Bud Cardinals to unintended, Bud China to exports and BL NFL Kickoff variation to football. Oct 5, 2013: Added two Twist Tops, Smooth/Refresh variation to Bud Light and Bud Light NHL10 Blackhawks variation to hockey. Aug 13, 2013: Added Bud Light NFL 2013 Kickoff bottle to football. Jul 21, 2013: Added Mets All-Star to baseball and BL California to commems. Jul 15, 2013: Added New Bud Light variation and Bud MIA variation to commems. Jul 12, 2013: Added Bud Miami Heat to basketball, BL Halloween prototype to test and Bud Cardinals, Pacers and Spurs championship bottles to unintended releases. Jun 19, 2013: Added Bud MIA to commems and Bud Light Platinum to BL Specialty. Jun 3, 2013: Added Bud Light Lime and split catagories for Light, Lime and Specialty. May 12, 2013: Added new Bud Light 'Smooth & Refreshing' bottle. Apr 29, 2013: Added Bud Paraguay (sticker variation) to exports. Apr 18, 2013: Added China Budweiser to exports and Bud Light 49ers to unintended. Mar 22, 2013: Added Bud Ecuador to exports and Bud/BL St Pats 3.2 to holidays. Feb 26, 2013: Added Budweiser All-Star bottle to basketball. Feb 18, 2013: Added Bud Light Ravens Super Bowl Champions to football and Budweiser/Bud Light St Patricks to holidays. Jan 29, 2013: Added Bud Light Super Bowl XLVII to football. Jan 18, 2013: Added Budweiser China Year of the Snake to exports. Dec 14, 2012: Added Budweiser Giants World Series to baseball. Nov 21, 2012: Added Bud Bowtie n/r variation to Budweiser. Nov 15, 2012: Added Bud Light Platinum to Bud Light. Nov 7, 2012: Added Bud Bowtie 3.2 variation to Budweiser. Sep 4, 2012: Added Bud Made in America to commems, Bud Olympic variations to other sports and Bud Light Lime NFL12 to football. Aug 24, 2012: Added Bud Miami Heat and Bud Light NFL Kickoff to sports. Aug 17, 2012: Added Bud Olympics 3.2 and Bud Porsche to Exports. Aug 6, 2012: Added new catagory for Hockey, BL California to commems, Bud Cards to baseball and BL Lime 3.2 to Bud Light. Jul 16, 2012: Added new catagory for 'Unintended Sports Releases'. Jun 30, 2012: Added Bud Light Lime, Bud Bowtie, Bud Red Sox, Royals to baseball and Bud Olympics to other sports. May 14, 2012: Added Budweiser Mets to baseball. Mar 14, 2012: Added Bud Light Patriots bottle to football. Feb 27, 2012: Added Bud St Pat, Bud Fiesta variation. Feb 22, 2012: Added Bud Light Giants Super Bowl and Bud China Year of Dragon. Jan 30, 2012: Added Bud Bowtie bottle. Jan 13, 2012: Added Bud Light Super Bowl and Bud Rangers bottles. Nov 25, 2011: Added Bud Cardinals World Series bottle. Oct 24, 2011: Added two Bud Light bottles to Test/Prototypes. Jul 31, 2011: Added Bud Mavs, Dbacks, BL Bruins and BLL Canada. Jun 14, 2011: Added BL UFC. Jun 6, 2011: Added Bud China to exports. May 22, 2011: Added BL St Pats 3.2 and Bud UK test bottle. Apr 28, 2011: Added Bud Angels, Giants and Mets08 error, added BL UFC. Mar 16, 2011: Added Bud Light NFL Draft. Feb 20, 2011: Added BL Bruins, Bud St Pat, Bud UK and prototypes. Nov 16, 2010: Added BL Saints, Bud Lakers and Giants. Sep 16, 2010: Added Bud Canadian to exports. Aug 22, 2010: Added Bud Light Golden Wheat and Bud Canadian Osheaga. Aug 14, 2010: Added Bud Argentina FIFA to exports. Aug 6, 2010: Initial upload complete, 16 categories, 327 listings. |